Machine massage
Elimination of cellulite and excess volume, improvement of skin quality, fight against local fat in problem areas.

The treatment is performed using the following devices: VelaShape 3, Ultraformer MPT, Floracel
for massage
for massage
Cryolipolysis Clatuu
Methodology of the impact of cold on fat deposits. The nozzles use non-invasive, controlled cooling of fat cells to a temperature of -9˚C, which leads to their destruction without damaging other tissues.
The device actively affects the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, stimulating the production of new collagen. By working on the figure, we achieve flexibility, figure quality, and cellulite elimination
It gives measurable results
immediately after the treatment, but within three months the effect increases significantly. Cellulite and sagging disappear or decrease
The best device for reducing excess volume and improving body quality thanks to the combination of vacuum roller massage, LED and RF stimulation
VelaShape 3 device
massage prices
VELASHPE 3 hardware
massage prices
VELASHPE 3 hardware
the results
our patients
the results
our patients
photos and videos
most common questions
and answers
Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers
Do I need VelaShape 3 treatment?
Do I need VelaShape 3 treatment?
The VelaShape 3 treatment series is recommended for people struggling with cellulite, loss of skin elasticity and local fat deposits. The course is primarily aimed at improving body quality, not losing weight
What are the contraindications to the procedure?
What are the contraindications to the procedure?
• Pregnancy and lactation period
• Varicose veins, pacemaker and serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels
• Diabetes, epilepsy, oncology
• Any active processes in the affected area (ulcers, abscesses, psoriasis, eczema, rash)
• Excess weight when weight loss is necessary (under such conditions the result will be minimal)
How many sessions is best?
How many sessions is best?
A minimum of 4 sessions are required to obtain a lasting effect. After analyzing the results of the first treatment, the doctor will be able to get a better idea
Which method should I choose?
Which method should I choose?
The choice of device depends on your needs. Our consultants always choose the best option to solve your problem. For example, the Vela Shape device will work best in the fight against cellulite if there is a need to improve muscle tone and provide relief - Vip Line
Is it possible to perform the treatment on different devices in one day?
Is it possible to perform the treatment on different devices in one day?
In some cases it is possible and shown
What is the "ULTRAFORMER Shape Modeling" treatment package for PLN 3,900?
Co to jest pakiet zabiegów „ULTRAFORMER Shape Modeling” za 3900 zł?
This package or course consists of 6 sessions (over 1 month) aimed at achieving maximum improvement in body quality.

The treatments will be performed using the following devices: VelaShape 3 (volume reduction, lymphatic drainage), Ultraformer MPT (reduction of cellulite, muscle tension), Florasel (reduction of cellulite, improvement of skin quality), as well as lipolytic therapy (reduction of local fat deposits). The best effect will be provided by a complex of the most effective aesthetic medicine tools (injection equipment and techniques).
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
Get a consultation
We will answer any question about the clinics services and select a procedure for you
a consultation
our patients
Dziękuje Serdecznie za miłą atmosferę oraz cudowną
opiekę podczas zabiegu.
Dzięki piłeczkom i miłym słowom dobrze zniosłam zabieg nawet przy moim niskim progu bólu.

Usta już wygojone, wyglądają bardzo naturalnie, pełne bez kaczego dzióbka a na tym mi najbardziej zależato.
Na pewno do was wrócę
Оксана, 22 роки
контурна пластика губ
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