We use high-quality, safe, time-tested fillers: Stylage, Juvederm, Belotero, Revolax, Teosyal.
We will select the perfect product for you.
Our doctors have performed more than 10,000 procedures of lip contouring
Contouring /
the results
our patients
photos and videos
Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers
I am concerned about the size of my lips after the procedure. Won't them be too big? Will it be possible to show the lip shape I like to the doctor?
I am worried that the lips will not be too big.
Will I be able to show the doctor the shape of my lips that I like?
During the initial procedure, you will only receive lip hydration and minimal volume enhancement. Before the procedure, you will agree on the desired lip shape with the doctor. You can choose a photo from our portfolio and, taking into account your own lip shape, achieve a perfect, harmonious result
What are the contraindications for the procedure?
What are the contraindications to the procedure?
  • Antibiotics intake
  • Herpes on the lips (in active form)
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars
  • Diabetes and other chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation,
  • Oncological diseases, epilepsy
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Blood diseases
  • Inflammatory processes, high body temperature
  • Previously inserted non-biodegradable implants in the area of the procedure
Will I be able to return my original lips shape if I wish?
Will I be able, if I have such a desire, to return the native shape of my lips?
Yes, of course. For this, there is a hyaluronidase procedure that instantly dissolves the filler
Is this a painful procedure?
Is it a painful procedure?
Before the procedure, we apply a high-quality and strong cream anaesthetic to the lips. This makes the procedure as comfortable as possible
How long does the procedure last?
How long does the procedure take?
About an hour, including the initial consultation and application of cream anaesthesia
How long does the lip contouring effect last?
How long does the lip modeling effect last?
It depends on the number of procedure. With each subsequent procedure, the result will last longer and longer. The result from the first procedure will be the shortest, as the first 0.5 ml of the product will be used only to moisturise the lip tissues. Thus, the average duration of the effect will vary from 9 to 15 months
Is this a safe procedure for sure?
Is this a safe procedure for sure?
Yes, it is. We use the hypoallergenic fillers based on hyaluronic acid for contouring. Since these elements could be found in our body in various organs, they are perfectly perceived by the body. Over time, the fillers completely dissolve and are gradually excreted from the body
How many sessions are required?
How many sessions are needed?
Lip contouring is a one-time procedure. But in most cases, the doctor leaves a smaller volume of the substance for injection, if the correction is needed within 14 days (approximately). This makes it possible to distribute the filler as evenly and symmetrically as possible
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
Get a consultation
We will answer any question about the clinics services and select a procedure for you
a consultation
our patients
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opiekę podczas zabiegu.
Dzięki piłeczkom i miłym słowom dobrze zniosłam zabieg nawet przy moim niskim progu bólu.

Usta już wygojone, wyglądają bardzo naturalnie, pełne bez kaczego dzióbka a na tym mi najbardziej zależato.
Na pewno do was wrócę
Оксана, 22 роки
контурна пластика губ
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