Rejuvenation of the eye area. Filling the hollows under the eyes with soft hyaluronic acid gives the face a fresh and rested look. Disappears unaesthetic blue under the eyes
Filling of the nasolacrimal furrow is recommended when it is pronounced, deep and unaesthetic.
When darkening appeared under the eyes, and the skin in this area is thin, flabby, with a vascular network
Are there any contraindications to the procedure?
Are there any contraindications to the procedure?
Exacerbation of chronic infections
Viral infections, including herpes in the active stage
Taking certain drugs (antibiotics, blood thinners)
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Cancer, epilepsy
Allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug, autoimmune diseases
How long does the effect of the correction last?
How long does the effect of the correction last?
On average - one year
In what cases is it inappropriate and undesirable to fill the nasolacrimal furrow?
In what cases is it inappropriate and undesirable to fill the nasolacrimal furrow?
Filling the nasolacrimal furrow will not give results and will worsen the appearance when:
There are fatty hernias of the lower eyelids - in this case, a course of mesotherapy (or their removal by a plastic surgeon) is required;
The area under the eyes is prone to severe swelling - in this case, a course of mesotherapy is needed to improve lymphatic drainage;
There are dark circles under the eyes, but the nasolacrimal furrow is not pronounced, without a characteristic "valve" - in this case, a course of mesotherapy is needed to strengthen the vascular wall and skin under the eyes.
There are objective indications for blepharoplasty
How many ml of the drug are needed?
How many ml of the drug are needed?
In most cases, 1 ml of hyaluronic acid filler is quite enough
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
Dziękuje Serdecznie za miłą atmosferę oraz cudowną opiekę podczas zabiegu. Dzięki piłeczkom i miłym słowom dobrze zniosłam zabieg nawet przy moim niskim progu bólu.
Usta już wygojone, wyglądają bardzo naturalnie, pełne bez kaczego dzióbka a na tym mi najbardziej zależato. Na pewno do was wrócę
Оксана, 22 роки контурна пластика губ
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