Everyone who has reduced skin tone, post-acne, acne rash, peeling, dark circles under the eyes
What are the contraindications to the procedure?
What are the contraindications to the procedure?
• Pregnancy and lactation • Autoimmune diseases, psoriasis and neurodermatitis, diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia • Inflammatory processes • Viral hepatitis B, C • Oncology • Blood diseases • Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug • Tendency to the formation of keloid scars
Is it possible to combine plasma therapy with other methods of rejuvenation?
Is it possible to combine plasma therapy with other methods of rejuvenation?
Yes, you can. But first you need to book an initial consultation with our doctors to choose the optimal treatment regimen.
For example, a course of plasma therapy is better to be carried out after hardware procedures such as: CO2 grinding, SMAS lifting, microneedle RF lifting, dermapen
How many plasma therapy procedures are necessary?
How many plasma therapy procedures are necessary?
The number of procedures is individual. Everything depends on the initial condition of the skin, the regenerative abilities of the skin, and the reaction of the skin to the plasma. On average, the course consists of 3-4 procedures every 14 days
Are swellings and bruises possible at the injection sites?
Are swellings and bruises possible at the injection sites?
This procedure is non-traumatic. In rare cases, for example, with thin, sensitive skin, bruises and swelling may be barely noticeable, which pass in a couple of days. You can apply cosmetics the very next day
What results can be expected?
What results can be expected?
The face becomes younger and fresher. The density and elasticity of the skin increases, small wrinkles disappear. The tone of the face is evened out, acne is reduced, and pigment spots are reduced.
Scars are reduced if they have been treated. Stops hair loss and improves hair condition (if the scalp was treated)
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
Dziękuje Serdecznie za miłą atmosferę oraz cudowną opiekę podczas zabiegu. Dzięki piłeczkom i miłym słowom dobrze zniosłam zabieg nawet przy moim niskim progu bólu.
Usta już wygojone, wyglądają bardzo naturalnie, pełne bez kaczego dzióbka a na tym mi najbardziej zależato. Na pewno do was wrócę
Оксана, 22 роки контурна пластика губ
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