With the help of a laser fractional CO2 polishing device, you can eliminate post-acne, scars and scars, rejuvenate the skin: remove pigmentation, fine wrinkles, even out the tone
The CO2 grinding procedure is indicated when it is necessary to eliminate post-acne, pigmentation, and even out the tone of the face
What are the contraindications to the CO2 laser grinding procedure?
What are the contraindications to the CO2 laser grinding procedure?
• Purulent-inflammatory processes in the affected area, chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation • Taking antibiotics • Epilepsy • Herpes in the active phase • Atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis • Pregnancy and lactation • Age up to 18 years • Vaccination against Covid 19 (earlier than 14 days) • Oncological diseases
What results can be expected after the procedure?
What results can be expected after the procedure?
Elimination of post-acne, improvement of skin condition at all levels: reduction of wrinkles, narrowing of pores, reduction of the intensity of pigment spots, reduction of scars and scars
Is it safe?
Is it safe?
Our devices allow you to adjust the intensity of the beam and the depth of laser exposure, depending on the type of skin and the task, so their use is as safe as possible
Does laser resurfacing hurt?
Does laser resurfacing hurt?
We use modern local anesthesia to make the procedure as comfortable as possible
How many sessions are needed for tangible results?
How many sessions are needed for tangible results?
Depending on the initial condition and problem, 1 to 3 sessions will be needed
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
You haven't found the answer — seek specialist advice
Dziękuje Serdecznie za miłą atmosferę oraz cudowną opiekę podczas zabiegu. Dzięki piłeczkom i miłym słowom dobrze zniosłam zabieg nawet przy moim niskim progu bólu.
Usta już wygojone, wyglądają bardzo naturalnie, pełne bez kaczego dzióbka a na tym mi najbardziej zależato. Na pewno do was wrócę
Оксана, 22 роки контурна пластика губ
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